This is the season to be jolly! So off I went to another party! :D
This is the party on the 24th.
I went early in the morning to help prepare the food and other stuff for the party. When I reached, some of the guys already started work already!!! But I still tried to help out a bit (even though it was not very much).
Peiyi preparing for the songs later.
Kenneth preparing the chocolate fondue! ♥
Soon the guests began coming in. Boss gave us an opening speech about how Christmas came about. I thought it was ok to know more, even though I normally don't celebrate Christmas. Then the fun begins!!! We played "Poison Number" and "Werewolf 'n' Villagers". One of the forfeits that the losers have to do include getting toothpaste on your face. It was fun, really, especially for the NSFs since they normally (and rightfully so) won't do such a thing to their superiors. So it ended up something like this...
Smear, smear!
S'pore's very own Santa Claus and Rudolph. Hope they give 4D and TOTO tickets as presents!
After that, we began our mass game Charades. It was funny, basically of the wierd actions the actor has to do before their team could finally guess. Sometimes it took so long that the other teams were probably laughing too much that they got too tired to answer when the team failed to guess the designated word. Things like...
E.T. (done by me, walao, I don't look like one anyway)
What are you pointing at?!
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Shawn Loh tried very hard, we know.)
And a very failed impersonation of G.I Joe. (not his fault really, since it's really hard to impersonate)
You wanna fight issit?
After which, it was free and easy for a while, so some of us went to play billards...
I bet I can hit all 15 balls into the pockets in one shot!
...and Karaoke.
Nicholas: I wish Bernice was with me... Disclaimer: The above line was purely fake.
Then it was time to cut the Christmas logcake, and also celebrate the birthays of the December babies!!!
And that's about it! Well, it was a fun-filled morning of games and food. Let's hope we have something awesome like this next year!!! :D
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