Actually, that depends on whether you want to face it. (Wait, what am I saying?)
So I am going to review some of the things that happened in Singapore in this year. To make things easier to read, we'll stick to 5 of my favourite incidents that happened this year. There's the good, the bad and of course, the ugly.
Now for the top 5...Enjoy.
5. Orchard Road flood
When water hits your favourite shopping area, it's not cool.
A blocked culvert resulted in the flood that submerged Orchard Road in knee-high water. Leaves and debris were clogged there, hence water could not flow into Stamford Canal's smaller section, which stretches from Delfi Orchard to Lucky Plaza.
It surged to the canal's other section stretching from Orchard Parade Hotel to Liat Towers and Wisma Atria instead. Water surged out from this channel onto the junction of Orchard Road and Scotts Road - the worst-hit area - and disrupted traffic and business.
Imagine shopping in knee-deep water...not exactly a fun experience after all.
Anyway, a section of the kerb in front of a traffic light at the Royal Thai Embassy was raised by up to 50cm earlier this month to prevent the same thing from happening again. This was one of the first stretches to be completed and many more will soon follow to protect Singapore's shopping haven from turning into a swimming pool again. Yay. :D4. YOG -- Singapore's pride as hosts!
Singapore, for the first time, held their very Olympic Games event. (Ok, some of you might think that it's YOUTH Olympic Games, but then it's a start.
Maybe one day Singapore will host Olympic Games, or even World Cup (um...maybe not in the near future.)!
Then, of course we have the epic fail cheer from JJ Lin. But it's not his fault, really. I think he does a pretty decent job out of a CMI song. (Wait, is it a song or cheer? See! Can't tell a bloody difference! :S) The lyrics and the actions were the letdown of the entire thing. I mean, what's with the Hadouken thingy???
And the "oh yea, oh yea, oh yea, hey!"...

"Oh yea , oh yea, oh yea HEY! Why you copy my signature move???"
Anyway, Singapore did decently for the Games. A tally of 2 silver and 5 bronze is not a bad result for our budding athletes. Let's hope our sport talents can do even better next time!
And before I forget, I think with YOG, this will perhaps be a good starting point for us citizens to support our own country's sports matters. It should help, in a way, to raise awareness among the people.
3. Sex maniacs on the move! Watch your back!
Uh huh, you heard me right! Too many sex-related crimes have occurred this year. Just when you thought the the molester who needed girls to "feel his heartbeat" was bad enough, then along came Mr. Sim Keng Tee, stage left.
We have heard of camera-wielding pervs, but he took it to a whole new level.
If you think you might get sick now, just scroll down to the next review. Forget about reading this if you are faint-hearted. Seriously. Before you get disgusted...

So, this guy, a 35-year old former civilian officer, filmed him doing a sexual act and then collected his body fluids (no saying what it is). He then poured the stuff into his friends' drink bottles, and filmed them gulping down the entire thing.
Luckily for all, he was caught and sentenced to 18 months in jail, with another 149 charges pending to be slapped onto his face. Whew! Let's hope such sick stuff can decrease in the new year!
2. Religious leaders get into headlines for wrong reasons!
You know the news.
You know the names.
Because this is a sensitive thing to discuss, we shall not go deep into the issues. But what I want to say is, religion should not go with money. They never work together. Period.
SO... Let's go on to my #1 event in Singapore for 2010.
1. Demise of Mrs Lee Kuan Yew
The demise of Mrs Lee Kuan Yew, aged 89 years old, has deeply saddened Singaporeans. Having been married together for 61 years, she has constantly been a moral support for MM Lee. The fact that their love held strong after so many years is a good example for many, especially when divorce is rife in today 's society.
It indeed was a sad day for many Singaporeans on October 2, 2010. May you reat in peace, Mrs Lee.
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