Space KITAAAA!!!!

Space KITAAAA!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

21 Mar 2012 -- Like A Boss! Episode 04: Cubes and Chevrons

After our last gathering a month ago, we decided to have another one at JCube this time. Unfortunately, Kwang Yueh was unable to join us this time due to work commitments... T.T

Anyway, JCube is the latest shopping centre located at Jurong East. Most people will perhaps remember its predecessor, JEC (Jurong Entertainment Centre) as it featured the Fuji Ice Palace, one of the only two ice rinks in Singapore. However, it was demolished in 2008 and finally made way for JCube after 4 long years. JCube was officially open on 2 April, and he current shopping mall now consists of 5 floors , as well as a rooftop landscaped plaza.
Before, it was the Jurong Entertainment Centre...

Now it has evolved, into JCube!
In addition, the ice rink has been refurnished and expanded to a bigger size, making it Singapore's first Olympic-size skating rink. For moviegoers, JCube seeks to provide you with one of the best movie experiences as it is now home to the first IMAX theatre in the suburbs.

Anyway, we had lunch at Manhattan Fish Market before exploring the shopping centre. We were amazed by the size of the skating rink. It is really, really HUGE! Unlike the previous ice rink which was much smaller and occupies one floor of the building by itself, the new skating rink is now surrounded by two levels of shops and restaurants. As the skating rink was closed on the day we were there, we were unable to get into the rink to play. Hence, all I got were pictures from outside the rink...

After exploring the mall for around nearly two hours, we went off for our next part of our gathering -- Karaoke at The Chevrons! This was a bit unplanned though, so we got a bit lost trying to find our way to Chevrons by foot (although we had fun along the way, doing funny things like taking random pictures etc.). After walking for half an hour (which was much longer than expected as my GPS said we should have reached within 10 minutes) and 1.1km later, we reached The Chevrons.

Inside the Aviary KTV, we were in for a surprise as we were told that Joshua's and my dress code was improper -- no short pants allowed. We had to rent pants for $3 each. T.T

Still, we had fun singing for two hours. Due to a sore throat, I was able to sing a lot, and it didn't that they were picking a couple of Aerosmith songs. So I had to make it up by doing a horrible imitation of Abracadabra and Bubble Pop, to everyone's "approval" (no pictures though, sorry.).

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