Finally after a hiatus of nearly 4 months, I am finally back and done with my first year of my university course. It feels really awesome to be back. I admit I was too tired to update the blog and left this page in limbo, but the 4 month "break" (not exactly a break since I am busy with assignments and projects instead) has really left me revitalised and energised to start writing again. :)
Anyway, I have been testing out and playing through several Pokemon games for the last 2 weeks. At first I started with the regular games starting from
C, then progressing through FR/LG (
and finally concluding at Black 2/ White 2. Throughout the years, the games have undergone a lot of developments, and the Pokemon roster has expanded to 649 Pokemon.
So I was thinking, why not try out some of the Pokemon hacks?
After searching the net for fan-made hacks, I found some surprisingly good hacks, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself whilst playing.
Pokemon Liquid Crystal

Base Rom: Pokemon FireRed
Pokemon Available:
Regions Available:
Johto/ Orange Islands (partial as of 99% complete version)
Based of the storyline of the 2nd generation game Pokemon Crystal, this hack by LaZ and Zeikku is a complete remake with 3rd generation graphics and game mechanics. The important features that attracted me to play this hack was the availability of the Hoenn Pokemon and the expansion into the Orange Islands.
Apparently all Team Saturn members
are redheads... |
As with the original version, we get to play as either a male or female character who gets to embark on a Pokemon adventure that encompasses both Johto and Kanto, and finally challenge against the Elite 4.
While the GSC remake Pokemon HG/SS has considerably far improved graphics compared to Pokemon Liquid Crystal, it is nevertheless a very fun game to play due to slight changes in the storyline and the presence of a new evil organisation called Team Saturn. The plot thickens.
Difficulty Level: 4/5 keyboards smashed
A Lvl. 33 Pidgey in Vermillion? Seriously? |
I'll admit it, this is one of the toughest Pokemon games I have played. Firstly, it is imperative that you engage in all the Trainer battles and do a bit of training or you will be severely underlevelled. Levels have also been raised by up to 5 levels for gym leaders and Elite 4 members. With new Pokemon and moves available in Liquid Crystal as compared to the orginal GSC, this game may prove to be quite a challenge. There are also many instances where the Pokemon battles are so tough, that I feel like smashing my laptop screen in frustration. (Example: Umbreon as a staller and dragging a battle for 10 minutes thanks to WishProtect moveset. >:( ) Nevertheless, I relish the challenge of the game.
Gameplay Level: 4/5 slickness
Prepare for a storm. |
There have been a few glitches here and there, but none of them are really severe and thus did not affect much of my gameplay experience. As with in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, you get to Dive down to the bottom of the ocean to discover new items and Pokemon. In addition, the EXP system has been enhanced to that of Black/White and there is also the Physical/Special Split as introduced in Gen IV games. Altogether, it is pretty much a complete package. Before I forget, there's also the Day/Night system along with the weather changes. This will affect the different types of Pokemon available in specific places. Expect to find yourself drenched in torrential rainfall with lightning during Spring or immersed deep in heavy snow during Winter.
Graphics Level: 4/5
Wow...this is too beautiful. |
Considering that the hack is made for Gameboy Advance, the graphics are pretty impressive and well-polished. I really loved the design of the Pokemon Center. <3

Overall, I loved this game. SO MUCH that I actually played through the entire game twice. Anyway my team for the 2nd runthrough (in case if anyone is interested):
- Typhlosion
- Vaporeon
- Dragonite
- Exeggutor
- Slamence
- Crobat