Pokemon Flora Sky
Pokemon Available: Kanto/Johto/Hoenn/Sinnoh/Unova
Regions Available: New Hoenn
Crowned the Hack of the Month for May 2010, Pokemon Flora Sky is an Emerald hack rom that comprises of Pokemon from all 5 generations. There are two versions to this game: Main Dex and Complement Dex. The main difference between both versions is the Pokemon that can be found. In addition, for the Complement Dex, some levels of the trainers are altered and the base stats of some Pokemon are also adjusted.
The adventure starts in Small Town, where the protagonist has to go search for Professor Birch in Mt. Fullmoon, where you get the Sinnoh starters (or Kanto starters in the Complement Dex version). From here, the protagonist embarks on an adventure across New Hoenn. Meanwhile, Team Magma and Team Aqua have their own plans of conquering Hoenn, and it is up to the protagonist to put a stop to their plans.
Difficulty Level: 3.5/5 mousepads thrown
Not a very challenging game overall, as the trainers levels and Elite 4 are not obscenely high. Interestingly, you get a chance to get the first in-game legendary Shaymin, the titular character of Flora Sky only after 4 badges. The norm in Pokemon games is that legendary events often occur after 7 badges, so it was more of a surprise to me. You are highly recommended to catch it, because it is after all a shiny Pokemon (and a legendary at that).
However, the post game is where the honeymoon period ends though. Levels have been greatly elevated after defeating the Elite 4 for the first time, which can prove to be quite tough for underleveled teams. There's apparently a post-post game if you are interested in getting all the legendaries, but it can be very long and is optional.
A Lvl.46 FEMALE Braviary?! I call shenanigans! :0 |
Be warned: without a walkthrough or guide you can easily get lost and not sure where to proceed next in the game. This can prove a bit frustrating as you wonder aimlessly not knowing what to do next. There are also minor glitches here and there, but none that are game-damaging fortunately.
Winter is coming... |
As expected from Gen III games, the hack has maintained the same standard as that of RSE. In terms of Pokemon sprites, B/W sprites have been used and this greatly adds to the aesthetics of the game.
Overall, the gameplay experience has been an enjoyable one. It should keep players occupied to the game for a very long time, in part due to the post game and post-post game events.
My team for Pokemon Flora Sky (as of defeating Elite 4 for the first time):
- Infernape
- Flygon
- Ludicolo
- Ampharos
- Staraptor
- Gardevoir