Story: My language skills are not that brilliant, but I will try to bring my point across.
Sometimes, it really fascinates me to see how love can make people do the most illogical and irrational of things. You see someone put in his/her heart and soul to pursue the person he/she likes, doing stuff you will never expect him/her to do. I think love is like some sort of energy pushing you past all boundaries and limits to achieve the unexpected.
Unfortunately, when the crush/target does not recipocrate and eventually reject his/her feelings, the pain and anguish is indeed heartrending. It may come to the point where your heart is just broken and bleeding away. You feel sad, but somehow, no tears seem to flow out from your eyes.
I think this feeling applies to not just a failed relationship (or attempt at having one). Even between a couple, sometimes when one party hurts you so bad, you will experience the same feeling. Of course, this feeling does not apply to only romance. I think there are times when you are really very sad that you really feel your heart is breaking apart.
I admit I never had a proper relationship, but having seen too much of it, I kind of empathise with them. That was why I sat down to draw this. Anyway, I was undergoing some transition in drawing style, which explains how this picture seems a bit incomplete. I was testing out how to draw the eyes in another way (one which I would eventually and currently adopt), to mixed success. :/ On another note, this was done very swiftly within one hour. Not because I remembered it till now, but because I actually stupidly wrote on my sketch:
Why is it not released: Even till now, I still had second thoughts about putting this up. One reason is that I am actually worried that people will think I have a personal problem, relationship issue or whatsoever. And I find the end-product a bit...flawed (being a quick paint job, I wasn't expecting to be awesome, oh well... -.-)